Prism Project 2026 our 12th Season
We Need Your Help
Prism is still needing to raise approximately another $20,000 to pay all staff & program expenses.
More than ever, Foundation Grant opportunities are becoming oversaturated and alternate revenue avenues are becoming a necessity. Prism's partnership with the New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park, affords our amazing Creative Instructors and sound and performance support, and NORDC provides our no cost venue at the Sanchez Center.
Prism Project Needs Additional Support from
The Prism Community
We are asking each parent who is willing & able to become a supporting member of Prism Project's Fundraising Team and help meet our operating expenses. Please let me know personally if you can step up to help so we can work together to continue to bring the Prism Project to our community.
In order to give the best experience to as many youth with exceptionalities as possible, Prism Project traditionally relies on funding from foundation grants and the generosity of individuals, sponsorships, and partnerships.
Providing behavioral and creative services to meet the needs of all performers who enroll continue to increase, funding revenues remain competitive, and we are finding foundations are often over saturated with grant proposals.
The Prism Project is seeking your company to team up and become a sponsor.
Previously sponsors have had their company logo or brand represented on the backs of our unique T-Shirts, recognized as a sponsor on our website, and in the 2021 season, sponsor's logos or names placed in the credits section of our music video
For the 2026 season your company may choose to become a sponsor from one of levels of sponsorship and benefits as listed below
Thank you for your care and support.
Keep scrolling to find out how you can support Prism Project!
Example of the Prism Project 2021 T-Shirts
Sponsorship Opportunities
With sponsorship, your organization or business will be recognized as an indelible piece of the historic work that the Prism Project is doing for special needs communities this year. Our sponsorship tiers and benefits are as follows:
Big Band Sponsorship ($3000)
Logo or Brand recognition printed on back side of Prism Project 2026 T-Shirts
Logo or Brand recognition on Love’s Music Therapy website
TWO Prism Project 2026 T-Shirts
TWO tickets to the Prism Project Performance
Quintet Sponsorship ($2000)
Logo or Brand recognition printed on back side of Prism Project 2026 T-Shirts
Logo or Brand recognition on Love’s Music Therapy website
TWO Prism Project 2026 T-Shirts
TWO tickets to the Prism Project Performance
Quartet Sponsorship ($1000)
Name recognition printed on back side of Prism Project 2026 T-Shirts
Name recognition on Love’s Music Therapy website
TWO Prism Project 2026 T-Shirts
TWO tickets to the Prism Project Performance
Trio Sponsorship ($750)
Name recognition on Love’s Music Therapy website
TWO Prism Project 2026 T-Shirts
TWO tickets to the Prism Project Performance
Duet Sponsorship ($500)
TWO Prism Project 2026 T-Shirts
TWO tickets to the Prism Project Performance
Custom Sponsorship (customize your sponsorship amount and select from the above benefits)
Contact Jeremy Love to negotiate terms